Thursday, September 9, 2010

Must Love Truffle was born today!

"I am too lazy to blog!" There! I said it!

 I am starting to realize that my several fail attempts at maintaining a blog site is probably not going to change any time soon. It is kind of the same as me not keeping a diary. I'm so curious about many different things that it is hard for me to commit to a blog for a long period of time.

BUT! I can't resist my inner urge to share with people some of the amazing experience that I encounter everyday. Especially living here in the Bay Area, about its people, places, and yes! The food!

If you live in the Bay Area or have been here before, you probably already knew or witnessed the amazing mix of cultures and people here. On top of that, the incredibly mild and sunny weather all around the year make this my favorite place on earth!

"What does this have anything to do with truffle?" You may asked. Well. See? For me, I never really developed my appreciation for gourmet food and cuisines until I moved to the Bay Area. Something about the air, the weather, the people, the water and everything else heightened my senses for food and elevated my desire to keep exploring and experiencing different food to a level that I did not expect.

That is how I discovered Truffle! This amazing ugly little black or beige lump of "something" can transform an ordinary dish to something that you have to go to a Michelin 3-Star restaurant to experience.

"So... what about this blog? Didn't you say you can't keep a blog?" You said. Yes. That's true! Only this time, I am not going to look at this as a blog site. I am going to look at this as a depository of my truffle experience. Since I don't have truffle experience everyday, I hope that I'll feel better about not writing something for the blog everyday. Hopefully, this makes it less likely for me to give up on it. LOL.

Look for my next post today or tomorrow about the history of my truffle experience, especially about the trip that I took last December to Italy and all the white truffle dishes that I devoured when I was there, especially in this small little restaurant in Florence: Noe!